Women's Fitness Specialist
My true fitness journey started when I first moved back home to escape an abusive relationship. I was broken, beaten down and angry. I could not live like that day in and day out anymore. I was miserable. All I kept thinking was my 3 month old would only remember his mom as someone who is often sad and angry. What kind of example was I setting then? It was then that I realized that I would not tolerate ever being hurt again. I was finally going to stand up and protect myself. And that's what I did.
My sister actually was the one who motivated me and introduced me to "Beachbody", which will always have a special place in my heart. That helped build my foundation for my love of health and fitness. I started to gain more energy and was becoming happy again, something I hadn't truly felt in a very long time. This became my habit, my new lifestyle and I absolutely loved it. I started to see not only a change in my physical appearance, (which was skin and bones from the abuse and depression) but now I'm feeling mentally strong, a sense of clarity and drive. I got this. I got healthy for not only my son, but for once in my life, I chose the right path to get healthy for ME!